Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

Monday, August 31, 2009

It's a dog's life be a dog.......
this is what my little Tobey does all day, every day.....
nothin' like getting all cozy on the couch.......
He's not much of a "morning dog", such a face.......
too tired to wake up and pose for the camera....
This last one under the chair is where he lays most of the day so he can be directly in the path of the fan. Such a life. We can only wish we could have the time back when we didn't have to worry about bills, having a job, etc...
He does wake up at night when it's not so hot and play for a while before he goes to bed. He's got it rough, people, really rough. For those of you who know him, you can see that he is getting much healthier. He is eating and drinking better than ever, and he has hair completely covering both ears now. His nose is even healing and turning black again. I don't know why he's doing so well here, but who cares...He's HEALTHY!!!
As soon as I can figure out how to put video on here I will show you how much he likes watermelon. It's hilarious.
That's it for today.

Friday, August 28, 2009

little lizards in my tree

Ok, so I have little lizards living in my tree. Yep, lizards. They are geckos. They drive Tobey (my wiener dog) absolutely crazy. But they are cute little things. See......

See, how cute are they?! As long as they stay outside and not come into the camper I will get along with them just fine. Unlike us, it seems the hotter it is outside the more we see them. Today it is supposed to get to about 116. We are in excessive heat warnings until Monday. FUN. Ha.
Other than that, the job search is still on, and not going so hot. There are not many factories here, and the response I am getting from everyone is that 5 years is too long to be out of the office and the service industry. So, keep your fingers crossed for us, please.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Job Hunting Sucks

So, we spent like 9 hours job hunting today. Do you know what it is like applying for jobs these days? Horrible!!! That's the truth! Most places want you to apply online now, and the applications take about an hour or more each. That's right, an hour or MORE!! They all ask the same questions over and over, and they all want your information like 10 times! What ever happened to filling out an application, taking it in, and getting an interview? Now they want your email to contact you, not so much a phone number, and all of them want criminal background checks. Not that I have anything to hide, but seriously, for anything you apply for you need a background check? Like Petco for instance. It took over an hour to do the app because they require an 89 question quiz, and none of it pertained to animals. Seriously, none of it. Well, I guess it will be worth it if I end up with a job. I am also awaiting the results of an FBI background check, as one of the jobs I applied for requires it. Hmmm..... what next?
Anyway, enough ranting and raving for tonight.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Well, here are some pics of Salt River Canyon, which we happened to go through on the way here. It was supposed to be a short cut, but little did we know, it was actually longer because it was through the mountains. Talk about hard on vehicles! But how beautiful. Pictures do not do it any justice.

Well, here we are in Arizona. It really is hot here, and it's not the "dry heat" everyone says it is. It is humid here too, because we live in the valley. Here is a pic of what I see when I loook out my door:

This is Adobe Mountain, and some empty lots across the street.
Well, that's it for now.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

first post

So today em is teaching me to blog at starbucks. This is my first post, so bare with me. This is my first post, and it will be short, so here goes.

Last night my parents had a going away party for my man and I because we are about to leave for arizona in 2 weeks. I took a few pics, so let's see if I can figure out how to get some on here!!

This is my aunt, her son and his new girlfriend! Yeah I did it!

Now here's my uncle, aunt and mom!!

Anyway, I think I'm done for now, so, bye!