Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Well it is another day of hot, sunny and dry here in AZ, but back in MN things have not been so calm. Last Thursday night there were a few storms that hit the area I am from. There is a lot of damage, 3 lives and a lot of homes were taken by the tornadoes that came with the storms. The house I own there had basement flooding, but minor thankfully. Others were not so lucky. These storms produced 36 tornadoes, flooding and very strong winds, up to 125 mph. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families that were affected. Normally I would have relished the opportunity to be out "chasing" the storms, but I think even I would have been hesitant to be out in that kind of storm. Although they are very interesting to watch, I do not think I would have been out with that many tornadoes, and they were not just the run-of-the-mill twisters, they were colliding and splitting, making these storms even more dangerous. I think I would have been exited and devastated all at once.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Poor, poor weiner

My poor little weiner has been sick. He has allergies, and that caused an ear infection. He has lots of medication now, and he seems to be feeling a little better. (He has decided lately that he needs a pillow like people do!)

Just look at that little face!!!

It seems that the Arizona climate is not good for either of us. We have 6 months left, then Scooter will be done with school. I can't wait to see how Tobey reacts to the winter in Minnesota again.
Everything else is the same, still working, Scooter is still doing really well in school. It is getting hot again, in the 100's. I am not looking forward to the next couple of months. I guess we will just keep plugging away!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Last Saturday we had quite the scene around here. There were a lot of police, and a while later the coroner and the crime scene investigators. Yep, the show CSI was right in the back yard. We still do not know for sure what happened, but our 53 year old neighbor was found in his trailer, and they think he was in there for a few days. The investigators and police were over there from about 4 in the afternoon until about 2 in the morning.

Other than that it is pretty much the same old same old here. It is getting hot here again, it was 112 yesterday. Not fun!!