Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

Monday, September 28, 2009

Nothing much

Well, I haven't written anything lately because I can't really think of anything interesting to say. I couls complain about how people drive here, but that's no fun, or talk about how it is still really hot here, but that's no fun either, so I have opted to just stay quiet. I am finally working, so I guess there is a high point, but there's not much to say there either. I did get a good laugh last night when I brough one of my man's birthday presents home. We have a cat that stayed back home, a cat that I got for him over 7 years ago. He misses his cat and has been talking about it a lot lately. So, I got him a stuffed plush toy cat. Yep, I got him a toy. Now, his expression was funny enough, but when Tobey saw that I brought a toy home that he could not have, well let's just say he was a little more than jealous. It was so funny. He sat by the door and whined for a while, then he put himself to bed. He was so mad that he went to bed. That's the attitude of my little dog. He is such a freak, but I love him.

So, that's what I have to say for now.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Superstition mountains

Today we decided to go out and do some sight seeing. We went to the Superstition Mountains. It was awesome. The new truck did great all the way through. We took Tobey with, we had no idea how long we would be gone, and he loves to go for rides. We left at 11:00 this morning and got home at 7:00 tonight. Fun little 8 hour tour. It only takes about 45 min. to get there, so the rest of the time was sight seeing. Did you know there are lakes in the mountains? I had no idea. First we saw Canyon Lake. The pics there didn't turn out very good, but then we saw Apache Lake. Talk about gorgeous.

I know the pic isn't that great, but to see it is amazing.

Then we got to Roosevelt dam. Wow. I can't imagine what Hoover dam looks like. Huge is the only word to describe it.

Front and back view, then......

this is what waits behind the dam.....

This is Roosevelt Lake, and this suspended bridge is so big I couldn't get the whole thing in one shot. We had quit the surprise going through the canyon, because after the Canyon Lake the pavement ends, so you have to drive on tiny, sometimes one lane, gravel roads. They have incredibly tight corners and sharp angles both up and down. I have never been so happy to see pavement in my life.

So, that is how we spent our Saturday. It was actually a lot of fun, even though it was kinda freaky on those tiny little roads. Pictures do not do these places any justice at all. If you ever get the chance I highly recommend seeing these places in person.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Weather and my new truck

So, yesterday we had to buy a "new" truck. Our car had had enough of this place. We ended up at a small dealership where the sales people didn't try to get us to buy something at least 2x what we said we could spend. So, without further ado, here it is:

It is a Chevy Equinox. It's pretty nice, we like it.
I was going to show some pics of what it looks like here almost every night. It's kind of strange, there is lightning here almost every night and it gets windy at night. If you look close at the middle pic. you might be able to see a rainbow in the clouds.(where the streaks of clouds come down, you can also kinda see it above the truck in the top pic.)

So that's what it has looked like almost every night since we have been here. It's a lot cooler looking here than in pics, but what can ya do?
Otherwise we are doing pretty good. I'm working 4 hours a day so far, so that helps pass the time. Scott had his first test today and did really well. He is enjoying school so far. Now he is getting into the hard part, all the mathematics of it (he has to do physics and calculus) so he's starting to get nervous, but he'll do just fine.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Here I am

OK, OK, so it has been a few days, but here I am again. I started my new job at Kohls today. I will be working in juniors, misses and mens, along with being a cashier. So far it is going petty good. I think I will like it once I get into it.

As for the holiday weekend, we got a new neighbor Friday night. He is from "Jersey" as they call it. Then Sunday we had one of Scott's friends from school ("K") over, and our new neighbor as well. The guy from school reminds me a lot of Chris M. "K" is also a military man, he was a marine. He is young, but already out because of an injury in Iraq. Next time we get together we will get to meet his girlfriend. It's finally starting to feel a little more comfortable here now that we are getting to know some people and I am working.

As for the big storms, they mostly missed us. We got a little rain and wind Sat. morning, but that was it. I guess you can't trust the weather man at all here. So far they have not been accurate at all. Oh well.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The storm is coming

Well, the big storms are a comin'. We are in for some severe weather for the next 4 days, according to the weather people here. I guess we are getting the remnants of hurricane Jimena. It is really windy here right now, the camper is rocking a bit. Nothing too serious yet, but I guess we could get some flash flooding in the next 4 days. Here is a pic of what it looked like shortly before sundown.

You can kinda see from the willow tree how windy it was. Now it is quite a bit windier. Kinda cool looking though, isn't it. I wish I had gotten some better pics. We have been getting thunderstorms for the last 3 nights in a row, and none of them have been predicted on the news. It's really kind of weird how they don't really see some of these storms coming. I really am curious to see what we get for weather this weekend since they are predicting storms. It could get interesting.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Stormy night

We had our first "big storm" last night. It was really windy, 39mph at the deer valley airport, about 3 miles from here. Talk about rockin' the house! The thunder and lightning were incredible. Quite a display. We got a whole 1/4 inch of rain. Woohoo! That's a lot here, ya know?! We are also watching a round of storms from the hurricane coming at us for the weekend. 5 days of storms heading at us. It's funny, I never thought I would be in the path of a hurricane in Arizona. If you watch the projected path, it is coming right to us. It should hit us here by Sat. It will just be a thunderstorm by the time it gets here, but still, who would have thought?