Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Remodeling. I just can't seem to get away from it. I thought camper living would help, but has it's perks and it's downfalls. One of those downfalls is that when an appliance, such as oh, say the refrigerator, dies, it costs an arm and a leg to replace. Now, I happen to know this because we had just such a problem this week. Yep, came home from work and everything had defrosted and it was a mess. We had to throw away a lot of food, not something I am very happy about, but it was bad. Have you ever opened a yogurt container when it has been warm? Not a pleasant experience. Milk, meat, chicken, fruit, veggies - the whole shebang was bad. So we began our search for a new fridge. We called several places and they all said you cannot get a fridge for a camper for under a thousand dollars because they are "duals" - meaning they run on both gas and electric. Therefore, we decided to go the "cheaper" route and get a home fridge and do some remodeling. Thank goodness for Lowe's and their card! No interest for a year! I called my cousin back home who has done this before and got some great advice. We now have a much bigger fridge that actually works. And you can put a gallon of water and a gallon of milk in there and still have room for other things!! It really is the little things, people. I was so excited about that! Anyway, for less than half the price of a smaller camper fridge we got a bigger home one and it is great. Slowly but surely we are going to have everything in this camper all new. We have yet to replace the stove and oven (I am afraid to find out how much that will cost), but I bought a counter top oven and we use that instead. It works great, and I can even make a turkey in it. Well, that's all for today, so have a great day!

Saturday, December 12, 2009


So, today we decided to take a drive up to Sedona to celebrate Scooter getting student of the class. He was top dog for the electrical portion of class. It was a beautiful drive full of redrock. Pictures cannot do it justice, but I will show you a few anyway.

This is one of the first formations along the way.

Another beautiful formation. I really wish you could see just how red the rocks are.

After we drove around Sedona we decided to keep going north to Flagstaff. We took the scenic route through the mountains and had to drive through a snow storm. Just a few days ago when those of you back home got your blizzard they had their own and they got 30 inches of snow.

This is on top of a mountain between Sedona and Flagstaff. We stopped here to check out the view, and it seems Tobey forgot how to walk in snow because this happened just as Scooter tried to snap the photo:

Yep. He thought he was king of the mountain until the mountain collapsed on him! The big chunk of soft, fluffy snow beside him landed on him when he went down. It was hilarious! He wasn't quite sure what to think, we went from 60 degrees to 32 degrees and snow. It's a good thing the heat works in the truck! He was shivering like he does at home when it's 20 below!

If ever you find yourselves in AZ make sure to visit Sedona. It is by far the most beautiful place we have seen here so far.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm an addict

Yes, that's right, I am an addict. I am addicted to Starbucks. It started so innocently. A little here, a little there, but when it's all around you and you can't have it, you almost need it. I can go without, and I don't even think about it most of the time, but when Starbucks are everywhere it gets harder and harder to control the cravings. They have Starbucks in all of the grocery stores here, and around every corner. It is impossible to shop for anything without that wonderful, delicious aroma. We went to the grocery store to get something for dinner, and suddenly I am no longer hungry, just craving that hot, smooth, sweet beverage. I had to get what I came for and run for the door. There are times when I want to run out and get a part time job just to pay for the habit. I know, it's borderline insane, but once you find that certain flavor, that little cup of bliss, it's hard to "just say no." Days like this I come home and make myself a little coffee, and pretend it's an espresso. Sad, I know, but I do what I have to to get through the day. Now, it really isn't quite that bad, but I do enjoy a good cup of Starbucks.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Ok, I don't know who started the vicious rumor that it is always warm in AZ, but they are a big LIAR! It has been cold here since Friday with lows in the 30's - yes, 30's ! Today it has been raining since 8 am, and we are in a flood watch. It was like a hurricane out there for a while! Everything was shaking and the wind was blowing the rain so hard it felt like, well, home during a thunder storm...with no thunder or lighting. It was really strange. We got over 2 inches of rain, which prompts flood warnings and washouts on the roads here. On my way home from work tonight there was a lot of debris in the road and a lot of the construction cones and sand bags were in the road. The weather here is very different, and when it only gets up to the 50's here it really feels like the upper 30's and low 40's at home. I really never thought I would be cold in the 40-50 degree range, but I am. They tell me my blood has thinned already. Scooter is even cold here and Tobey, well he's always been a blanket hogger!