Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

Friday, January 29, 2010

counting blessings

Yesterday morning I was getting ready for work, and I hard a loud explosion and then the power went out. I thought a transformer blew, and went outside like most of our neighbors. One of the neighbors was out on his morning jog and came running up to me. He was frantic. The sound and power outage was not due to a blown transformer, but a plane crash. A small plane crashed right across the street, luckily is a small section in between two other parks. There were suddenly sirens blaring and rescue personnel all over. They blocked off our street. The pilot was alone in the plane and did not make it. So sad. The story right now is that the engine died and that is what caused the crash. No one heard any engine sounds before the crash. We are all so fortunate that he managed to maneuver the plane to that spot. I like to believe that he did his best to guide the plane to a spot where there were no other people would get hurt.

I am thankful for all of the blessings in my life. I have the best family and a few good friends, and of course, my crazy and lovable animals. I have a home and a vehicle that runs, I have a job. Sometimes you just have to look at what you have an appreciate it.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

We survived

We survived the storms all wee without too much damage. If you saw the weather down here then you know that we had 2 tornadoes - yes, TORNADOES -here in AZ. We had high winds and a lot of flooding this week. We were lucky enough to not live in the flood zones. Our street was blocked off Thursday night just beyond our driveway. The only damage we really sustained was that our camper leaks. We had to bring in the slide-out. One more thing that was supposed to be new on this camper that isn't. We were really lied to when we bought this camper. Life, right? We are still counting our blessings, though.
How about them Vikings? We should have had that game. I guess now we have a whole post season to discuss if Favre is going to come back. There is some serious depression in this house right now. Well, lets go Colts.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Missing Home

So today was our annual family "winter get together". I missed it this year. I called and talked to several people, but it just isn't the same as being there. While I have decided to make the best of being this far from home it is hard to not be able to be there to see everyone. I do not miss the harsh Minnesota cold, but the holidays just aren't the same without snow and being surrounded by loved ones. At least I have Scott and Tobey to keep me entertained. If only you could see them fight over the couch. It's a game that Tobey plays (he's doing it right now). How many people have seen a 12 pound dog push a person off the couch?! Ahhh, they keep life interesting. Anyway, I miss you all and I can't wait to see everyone again.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Grand Canyon


First of all, I have to say how much I loved having the moms here for a week. We did as much sight seeing as we could, there is never enough time. First, we stopped in Sedona, which is beautiful, and then we took that mountain pass up through Flagstaff. It wasn't snowing this time and there were some neat little Native American stands at the top of the mountains.

Next our journey took us to the Grand Canyon. We did manage to get some pictures, take a look:

I never knew that it gets that cold there. I snows, obviously, and it was only about 6 degrees when we were there. It was a gorgeous view none the less. That night we stayed in a hotel in Flagstaff, then we came home for the rest of the week.

The time went so fast, I wish we had more time to just be together. I have a new job that didn't provide us with much time for the rest of the week, but I am grateful for the time we had.

So, my New Years message to everyone is to cherish the time we have, I know it sounds cliche, but when you don't get to spend time with the ones you love every moment means so much. I miss you all. Love and Peace in the new year.