Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

Friday, February 26, 2010

no title

We witnessed the worst thing we have ever seen today. Scooter picked me up from work tonight and on the way home we saw an explosion right in front of us on the other side of the road. There was a van stopped engulfed in flames and a jeep careening out of control, also on fire. We could not see if there were more vehicles involved, but the thought kept going through my mind that if I had chosen to work late when asked today that could have been Scooter. It was the most horrifying thing I have ever seen. The explosion was huge. I called 911 and just as I hit send there was an officer coming up to the scene. Amazing timing for the officer to be driving up at that time. I told the dispatcher that there was an officer on scene. I just can not get that image out of my head. Scooter is shaken up too, I think it take a while to get over. It just keeps playing over and over in my mind. My heart goes out to the families of those people.

Anyway, we still do not have water. We thought it was fixed, but when Scooter got home from school yesterday he came home to another flood. Luckily someone came by and shut the water off while we were gone. The lights in here seem to be going out systematically, so we do not have much light right now. We are going to do as much home "fixing" as possible this weekend after I get off work. Then my glasses broke, and, well, you know, it's me, never ends. Oh well, it could be a lot worse! I am just thankful for the good things in life. I can't tell you how much I miss being home.

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